IIraqi Forces Retake 2 Villages from Daesh

Iraqi joint forces on Tuesday successfully liberated two villages and destroyed an outpost belonging to Daesh terrorist group in Mosul.

According to the military media cell of Iraqi Joint Operations Command, the Iraqi forces killed 21 Daesh elements, including its military leader in the south of Iraq's second largest city.

Meanwhile, Daesh militants have lost control on 56 oil wells in al Qayyarah town, that is located about 30 km south of Mosul.

Iraqi government forces, with air and ground support from the US-led coalition, launched an offensive early Monday to drive Daesh out of the city of Mosul, the militants' last major stronghold in the country with the participation of Peshmerga and tribal fighters.

The assault on the northern city was the biggest operation mounted by the Iraqi military since US forces withdrew in 2011.

Source: MENA