
Pakistan has decided to reopen its border with Afghanistan for stranded Afghans and Pakistani nationals for two days from Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

Pakistan closed the border last month after a series of attacks that killed over 100 people. The attacks were claimed by the Taliban groups which officials say now "operate from the Afghan side of the border."

Hundreds of people who had valid visas were stuck up both sides of the border, which remained closed for 16 days on Monday. Besides, over 5,000 containers with transit goods, are also parked on both sides of the border. However, Pakistan has not yet decided if the border will also be opened for trade.

The ministry said in Islamabad that the decision to reopen the border has been conveyed to the Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan.

All concerned at the two crossing points have also been informed, a statement said.

"For all in order to provide an opportunity to those nationals of Afghanistan who had come to Pakistan on valid visas, and wish to return to their country, the Government of Pakistan has decided to open the border crossings at Torkham and Chaman on 7th & 8th March 2017," the ministry said.

The crossing points will also be opened on these two days for those nationals of Pakistan who had gone to Afghanistan on valid visas and wish to return to Pakistan, it said.

Source: Xinhua