Pakistani Army

 The Pakistani army said five hardcore terrorists were executed on Wednesday in a prison in the country's northwest.

The terrorists were tried and handed death sentence by the military courts for their involvement in terrorism, an army statement said. All convicts had admitted their offences before the trial courts.

The five men, who belonged to the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, were hanged at a jail in Kohat, a main city in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the statement from the Inter-Services Public Relations said.

The statement said the convicts were involved in attacks on the army, members of the other law enforcement agencies which resulted in death and injuries to soldiers. One was also accused of attacking and destroying educational institutions.

The military courts were established for the speedy trial of the terrorists after the deadliest attack on an army public school in Peshawar in December 2014. Nearly 150 people, mostly students were killed in the Taliban claimed attack.

The two-year period of the courts expired in January this year and the government is seeking support of the political parties to extend period of the courts.

Source: Xinhua