Agricultural investments approved in November 2011 reached 68 million dinars, bringing the total amount of investment approved since the beginning of this year to 388 million dinars, according to the Agricultural Investment Promotion Agency (APIA). Data Analysis per activity shows that investments made in the aquaculture projects increased by 133% to reach 58.647 MTD. This increase is the result of the planned setting up of major aquaculture projects in the governorates of Monastir and Nabeul to be added to the 12 projects already approved up to September 2011 in the governorates of Bizerte, Sousse, Monastir and Mahdia, said the APIA. The fishing industry  also posted an increase by 43% to reach 14.236 million dinars, following the approval of projects providing for the upgrading of fishing units in the governorates of Nabeul, Monastir and Sfax, according to the same data. Yet, Apia said that such farming activities as tree crops, livestock and market gardening declined by 10% in October 2011. This drop is partly due, the agency explained, to the security drift in public farms. The drop of Agricultural investments in the region show that 52.4% of the total investments, i.e 167.7 MTD will be made in only seven governorates (Monastir, Sidi Bouzid, Mahdia, Kasserine, Bizerte, Gafsa and Nabeul).