Tunis - Tap
The third franchise fair, MedFranchise Expo, is due to be held on December 7-9, 2011 in Tunis, on the theme "Franchising, A Model for Success." Organised by the Tunis Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIT), the Tunisian Franchise Association (ATF), the Tunisian Association of Mediterranean Trade Chambers (ASCAME) and the Tunisian Industry, Trade and Handicrafts Union (UTICA), this fair mainly aims to familiarise Tunisian promoters with the franchise practice and develop it in Tunisia as a successful economic development model. During a meeting with the press held on Tuesday, Mr. Mounir Mouakhar, CCIT chairman, pointed out that the franchise could help young promoters to start their own projects and boost the Tunisian economy. In fact, the franchise consists in a contract by virtue of which the owner of a brand grants the right of its use to a "franchised" physical or moral person. Fifty exhibitors and foreign delegations from America, Senegal, Argentina, Morocco, France, Malta and Libya are to take part in this event due to be held in the UTICA premises. Workshops on "legal framework and financing of franchise in Tunisia" and "advantages and constraints for franchise" will be organised on the fringes of this fair which is expecting some 3,500 visitors.