Athens - AFP
Prime Minister Lucas Papademos on Saturday warned Greeks of another difficult year ahead as it battles to avert economic collapse and an exit from the single European currency. \"A very difficult year, marked by necessary but painful measures, is ending... a very difficult year is around the corner,\" Papademos said in his New Year\'s message. \"We must pursue our efforts with determination... so that the crisis does not lead to a disorderly and catastrophic collapse. So that we can keep the euro,\" he said. Papademos -- who took the helm of a unity government in November to implement EU- and IMF imposed austerity measures to try to save the indebted nation from bankruptcy, said the first quarter will be particularly crucial. \"We are living through the worst post-war national and international crisis. We will get through it but there is no magic bullet.\" Papademos called on the country\'s political forces on the left, right and far-right that back his government to show \"responsability and work together\". The parties in the coalition disagree over when early elections should be held, with the Socialist Pasok party preferring the end of April while some conservatives want a vote by mid-April. The conservative New Democracy has made clear that it is aiming for early polls, most likely in February, but far-right Laos leader George Karatzaferis has suggested the coalition should remain in power longer. The Pasok party wants the government should last as long as it takes to get a second debt bailout programme passed in parliament but sources have said that this may take some time to complete, pushing back the polls.