The support programme to enterprises' competitiveness and making easier access to the Market (PCAM) started, the Industry and Technology Ministry announced in the November 2011 Economic Newsletter of the Textile Technical Centre (CETTEX). Financed by a European Union (EU) donation, PCAM is mainly aimed to improve competitiveness of the industrial firms and services related to industry and make their access to the international market easier. PCAM is planning, according to the CETTEX Newsletter, to assist 300 industrial enterprises to perfect their technical and managerial performances, including the improvement of productivity, setting up of research departments, assistance to and establishment of strategic supervision cells. The enterprises will make the most, as part of PCAM, of several action of technical and non-technical coaching, as well as setting up of the quality management systems and the EC (European Conformity) marking. The programme will be carried out in synergy and  complementarity with the sectoral technical centres. The mission of the latter is to define the specific needs of the enterprises, establish preliminary diagnosis on the state of affairs and elaborate an action plan that meets the hoped-for objectives and results.