U.S. stocks were higher Friday on U.S. and Chinese economic data, analysts said. In midmorning trade, The Dow Jones industrial average was up 155.53 points, or 1.23 percent, to 12,728.80. The Nasdaq composite was up 30.35, or 1.06 percent, to 2,896.29. The Standard & Poor\'s 500 index was up 15.82, or 1.19 percent, to 1,350.58. Analysts said data show China\'s economy has slowed but the numbers fell in line with expectations. Better-than-expected earnings from JPMorgan Chase bank also gave the market a boost. The market did not appear to be hurt by a Labor Department report that showed U.S. producer prices rose a higher-than-expected 0.1 percent in June, analysts said. The benchmark 10-year U.S. treasury note was off 11/32, boosting the yield to 1,510 percent. The euro was up to $1.2239 against the U.S. dollar. Against the yen, the dollar fell to 79.22 from Thursday\'s 79.31. In Tokyo, the Nikkei 225 index fell 3.33 points, or 1.32 percent, to 8,724.12. In London, the FTSE 100 was down 60.25, or 1.07 percent, to 5,668.50.