U.S. stocks opened higher Monday on the New York stock exchange, maintaining their rise from last week. The Dow Jones industrial average was up 78.62 points, 0.61 percent, to 13,175.79 in early trading. The Nasdaq added 23.02 points, 0.78 percent, to 2,990.92. The Standard & Poor\'s 500 picked up 7.78 points, 0.56 percent, to 1,398.78. The 10-year U.S. treasury note was yielding 1.553 percent. Against the Euro, the dollar was trading at $1.2394 Monday from $1.2376 Friday. Against the Japanese yen, the dollar was trading at 78.28 yen from 78.56 yen Friday. In Japan, the Nikkei added 171.18 points, 2 percent, to close at 8,726.29.