U.S. stock indexes tottered close to the break-even point throughout the day Thursday before closing mixed. The Dow Jones industrial average was off 10.45 points, 0.08 percent, and closed at 13,165.19. The Nasdaq Composite added 7.39 points, 0.25 percent, and ending the session at 3,018.64. The Standard and Poor\'s 500 picked up 0.58 point, 0.04 percent, to finish at 1,402.80. Initial jobless claims fell by 6,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 361,000, the U.S. Labor Department said. The U.S. Commerce Department said the U.S. trade gap in June fell from the previous month, with imports down and exports up. On the New York Stock Exchange, the total listed volume was 2.9 billion shares. The U.S. 10-year treasury note was yielding 1.692 percent in late afternoon trading. Against the euro, in late trading, the dollar was $1.2305 Thursday from $1.2361 Wednesday. Against the yen, the dollar was 78.58 Thursday from 78.44 Wednesday. In Tokyo, the Nikkei closed at 8,978.60, up 97.44, or 1.10 percent. In London, the FTSE 100 closed at 5,851.51, adding 5.59 points, 0.10 percent.