Qatar Exchange was pursued its upswing trend Thursday adding 65.88 points (or 0.78%) to advance to 8,486.96 points from 8,421.08 Wednesday.  The volume of the shares traded was up to 51,466,527 from 51,119,089 on Wednesday and the value of shares down to QR1,086,821,669.35 from QR1,092,027,264.98 Wednesday. Among the top gainers were Qatar Insurance which was up 1.14% to QR70.90, Qatar Telecom rose 3.32% to QR108.90, Al khalij Commercial Bank gained 3.47% to QR17.90 and International Islamic bank  up by 1.50% to QR50.70. The Banking and Financial sector index was up 14.30 points while Consumer Goods and Services sector index lost by 11.14 points. The industrial sector was gained by 11.92  points while insurance sector added 13.36 points.