The Qatar Exchange was pursued its upswing trend Monday up 18.85 points or 0.22% to 8,508.97 points from the previous closing of 8,490.12. The volume of shares traded was up to 16,121,107 from 9,921,918 Sunday and the value of shares increased to QR 346,782,575.48 from QR 239,583,398.02 on Sunday. Top gainers were Al khalij Commercial Bank which was up 4.35% to QR 18.00, Barwa added 0.72% to QR 27.90, Gulf International Service decrease 0.39% to QR 25.90 and Vodafone Qatar lost by 4.03% to QR 9.28. Today the Qatar Banking and Financial sector up 1.64 points while the Qatar industrial sector gain 20.32 points and the Services sector up 7.87 points.