The Qatar Exchange pursued its upswing trend on Sunday falling 23.66 points or 0.29 % to 8,229.80 points from the previous closing of 8,253.46 . The volume of shares traded was down to 3,984,499 from 6,223,177 on Thursday and the value of shares falling to QR 129,249,068.12 from QR 164,839,510.31 Thursday. Top losers were Industries Qatar which was down 1.97% to 129.20, Vodafone Qatar falling 0.44% to QR 9.00, Barwa lost 0.56% to QR 26.85 , United Dev. Company falling 1.38% to 17.85 and Comm. Bank of Qatar down 0.14% to QR 69.00. Today the Qatar Banking and Financial sector adding 0.28 points while the Insurance sector gain 14.72 points. The Qatar industrial sector down 25.26 points and the Services sector falling 28.69 points. (QNA)