The Qatar Exchange was down on Tuesday falling 34.65 points or 0.42% to 8,280.58 points from the previous closing of 8,315.23 . The volume of shares traded was down to 8,638,656 from 12,079,739 on Monday and the value of shares fall to QR 250,527,010.74 from QR 299,188,281.60 Monday. Top gainers were Industries Qatar which was lost 0.82% to 133.00, Al khalij Commercial Bank rose 0.88% to QR 17.14 , Barwa down 0.55% to QR 26.95 and Vodafone Qatar fall by 0.66% to QR9.09 . Today the Qatar Banking and Financial sector down 6.94 points while the Insurance sector gained 15.75 points. The Qatar industrial sector fell 22.60 points and the Services sector down 10.69 points. (QNA).