Qatar Exchange index gained 144.34 points (1.78%) this week when the bourse closed Thursday afternoon at 8,267.36 points. The traded value this week was QR 706,456,795.16 decreasing by 11.23% compared to QR 795,847,968.90 last week. The traded volume increased by 0.68% when it reached 27,009,191 shares compared to 26,827,659 shares last week while the number of transactions was 13,164, a drop by 3.68% compared to 13,667 transactions the previous week. The market capitalization rose by 1.64% to reach QR 453,415,352,049.02 compared to QR 446,101,126,997.53 at the end of previous week. From the 42 listed companies, 22 ended this week higher, 14 fell and six were unchanged. Industries Qatar led traded value this week with 17.45% of the total traded value. Qatar-Oman Investment Company accounted for 12.64% and Qatar National Bank Group, which posted a half-yearly net profit of QR4.1bn, up 17.1% on H1, 2011, accounted for 8.00%. Banking and financial sector led the traded value this week with 41.67% of the total traded value. Industrial sector accounted for 23.90%. Telecoms sector accounted for 11.64% and real estate sector accounted for 8.61%. The sector led the traded volume this week with 39.5% of the total traded volume. Telecoms sector accounted for 22.28%, real estate accounted for 14.66% and Industrial sector accounted for 9.14%. It led the number of traded transactions with 39% of the total transactions. Industrial sector accounted for 18.84%. Telecoms sector accounted for 11.92% and real estate accounted for 11.71%. (QNA)