KSE ends trading on dominant red

Trading at Kuwait Stock Exchange Monday ended with red digits dominating the scene, as the weighted index came to 395.72 points on a loss of 2.36 points, the price index to 5,728.47 points on a down of 20.31 points, and the KSX 15 index came to 957.96 points, on a slip of 7.49 points. Trades came to 1,623 transactions bringing value to KD 9,901,312.264, while volume reached 70,733,000 shares. Only three of the market's sector indices were green upon closing, and three unchanged, with the rest all red. The gainer sectors were oil and gas, insurance, and real estate. Gainer share of the day was of Warba Insurance Company, biggest loser was that of Al Masaken International Real Estate Development, and most traded was stock of Gulf Finance House.