The United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Arab Republic of Egypt, informed the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on the legitimate measures they have taken to severe diplomatic and consular relations with the State of Qatar based on their sovereign right under international law to protect their national security.
The Saudi Ministry of Trade and Investment said the briefing was conducted on the sideline of the meeting of the WTO's Council for Trade in Goods, which held in Geneva, on Friday.
In a joint statement, the four nations affirmed these resolutions were compatible with the WTO's regulations.
The four nations stressed during the meeting that all measures they have taken were consistent with international regulations that legally allow WTO Member States to act against any other state that threatens their security and stability, which is a sovereign right in virtue of article (21) of the General Agreement on Trade in Services.
In case of emergency in international relations, commitments under the agreement allow member states to take measures they deem necessary to protect their national interests and security.
Article (14) of the General Agreement on Trade in Services and article (73) of the International Convention on Intellectual Property guarantee all sovereign rights for member states to take any action to protect their national security and stability from violations they may face.

Source: WAM