bilateral ties

China on Monday welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin's comment on the two countries' relations at his annual year-end press conference.

Russia and China have a relationship that is more than a simple strategic partnership, which will be further promoted, Putin said during his annual press conference.

"China highly appreciates the positive attitude in developing bilateral ties by the Russian side," spokesperson Hua Chunying said Monday at a daily press briefing.

Currently, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is at a historic high, she said, adding that the two countries' all-round cooperation not only brings benefits to the two countries and two peoples, but also contributes to world prosperity and stability.

"Strategic coordination between China and Russia, which goes beyond bilateral level, serves as the ballast to safeguarding world peace and stability," she said.

China stands ready to work with Russia to continue consolidating and developing their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, so as to safeguard regional and world peace, security and stability, Hua said.

source: Xinhua