La Sagesse University

Chinese Ambassador to Lebanon, Wang Kijian, said that China is a nation deeply entrenched in history, pointing out a mounting China's economic strength. 

"China has become the largest trading nation in the world and occupies the second rank economically due to a development road map which is commensurate with China's national conditions, with the most prominent pillar openness to the world and its markets," Ambassador Kijian said during a lecture on China's foreign policy at La Sagesse University, organized by the International "Cadmus" Center for Conflict Study, under the patronage of University President Father Khalil Shalfoun. 

The lecture was attended by scores of diplomacy researchers and post graduate students on diplomacy and strategic negotiations at the University of Paris-Sakleh and La Sagesse University, in addition to specialists in associations and non-governmental organizations. 

The Chinese envoy gave a detailed lecture on the "Belt and Road" initiative and the strategy issued by the 18th Congress of the Communist Party, in terms of the new concepts in light of developments in diplomatic relations and mechanisms of cooperation between China and its partners.

Source :NNA