Irbid - Petra
The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent (UAERC) on Tuesday, provided at the Princess Basma Center for Human Development, assistance to Syrian refugees in Irbid city, some 80km north of Amman
The aid is a part of a campaign dubbed "Tarahamo," or 'Be merciful toward one another,'. A total of 500 Syrian refugee families will be provided with gas cylinders, heating materials, blankets and food parcels.
The UAE-Jordanian field hospital along with the aid distributors provided medical assistance to a number of households experiencing health conditions. The initiative was taken "in order to provide a healthy and humane environment for the refugees as well as to alleviate their plight." The campaign, which will run until Tuesday, seeks to raise donations for one million people and refugees in camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza and other Palestinian regions, as well as in the Kurdistan region, after a severe winter storm swept through the area, bringing down temperatures to as low as four degrees Centigrade below zero.