Khartoum - SUNA
The Ministry of Finance and National Economy has given directives to the Khartoum Stock Exchange to prepare a five-year comprehensive plan to keep pace with the objectives of the Five-Year Programme for Economic Reform.
The Minister of Finance and National Economy Badral-Din Mahmoud Abbas urged, during the Board of Directors' meeting at the ministry's premises Thursday, preparation of a plan that includes studies and the budget required for the commodity exchange and the rest of the specialized markets to become operational in 2015, pointing to the importance of starting exchanges of gum arabic, cotton and oilseeds.
The minister directed establishment of financial securities' authority next year, instructing preparation of its budget and to be submitted to the board of directors before the end of this year, pointing to the importance of the follow-up the issuance of the new law of the Khartoum Stock Exchange and the act of the authority of the financial securities market prior to its submission to the National assembly before the end of the current session.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Mustafa Holy stressed importance of the technical side in linking the market with the global markets to keep pace with them.
Dr. Azhari Al-Tayib Al-Faki, the General Manager of Khartoum Stock Exchange promised to prepare a new vision and mission for the market keeps pace with the five-year program, affirming the market's commitment with the international standards and principles and rules of the governance in its operations.