Lebanese Red Cross lauds Kuwait's contributions to Syrian Refugees
Syrian refugees

The Lebanese Red Cross lauded here Friday Kuwait's generous humanitarian contributions to the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, affirming that providing relief aid to the refugees was important especially during the cold winter season.
Head of northern branch of the Lebanese Red Cross Youssef Boutros told KUNA that Kuwait Red Crescent Society's (KRCS) campaign provided some much needed assistance to the Syrian refugees facing the harsh winter cold.
The KRCS's involvement truly reflects Kuwait's sincere gesture to help the Syrians in their plight, said the official.
On his part, KRCS delegate Dr. Mus'ad Al-Enizi affirmed that the Society was continuing its campaign to gather aid for the Syrians, noting that 450 refugee families in Bekaa area benefited thus far from the relief aid.
Recently, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) had signed a USD 27 million grant to provide services to Lebanese areas hosting the Syrian refugees.