A Syrian man outside his tent

Kuwait has committed itself on the official and non-government levels to easing the burden on Syrians displaced as a result of the conflict in their country which started just over four years ago.
Humanitarian campaigns launched by Kuwaiti charity organisations only a few months after the start of the conflict, focused on neighbouring countries which started to host fleeing refugees like Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. They provided families with food, education for their children, healthcare and shelter.
One of these is the Kuwait Red Crescent Society which stands tall amongst its peers through the assistance it provides to refugees as well as its coordination with local and international relief bodies.
Amongst KRCS' main campaigns it has launched in these neighbouring countries are the loaf of bread, food vouchers and kidney dialysis campaigns, alongside seasonal campaigns like breakfast in Ramadan and new clothing in Eid holidays.
It also continues to provide refugees with food, medicine, children's milk and blankets so that may benefit from the basic necessities for life.
Another of these organisations is the International Islamic Charity Organisation which has had a huge impact on these efforts, most prominently after collecting donations worth USD 11.75 million from the public amid a local campaign.
IIICO played an effective role in the construction of two model villages in refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan, both funded by His Highness the Amir, and a physiotherapy centre in Lebanon, funded by the Kuwaiti public for USD 320,000.
These efforts were followed by the IICO calling for a pledging-conference of NGOs at the second such event held for governments, with some 70 attending.
Kuwaiti charities pledged donations worth a total USD 142 million. The IICO called for contributions to build 10 residential cities for Syrians at the neighbouring refugees camps worth USD 142 million.
This time around things will not change much, as a third international aid-pledging event in Kuwait will aim to seek similar successes on gaining as much financial support as could be for the Syrian refugees.
Kuwait hosted the first and second aid pledging conferences for Syria in 2013 and 2014. The events successfully raised USD 3.9 billion in aid pledges, USD 1.5 billion in the first and USD 2.4 billion in the second.
Kuwait donated a total of USD 800 million in the two conferences, USD 300 million in the first and USD 500 in the second.
Kuwait III is set to host 78 countries and more than 40 international organizations.