Interior Minister briefed on development plans of King Fahad Causeway

Interior Minister Lt-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa received today the General Director of King Fahad Causeway General Organisation Abdulrahman Al Yahya.
The meeting was also attended by Chief of Public Security Major-General Tariq Al Hassan and President of Customs Shaikh Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa.
The Interior Minister hailed distinguished brotherly ties between Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, valuing the good efforts of the General Organisation to facilitate traffic flow at the causeway. He was also briefed on the development plans of the causeway to enhance its capacity.
The General Director expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to the Interior Minister for his care and support to the organisation’s development project and the ongoing support of the Interior Ministry. The meeting was also attended by the General Director of Port Security. 

Source: BNA