Al-Rahad agriculture project

The Vice President of the Republic, Hassabo Mohamed Abdul-Rahman has given directives for the formation of a committee from the Federal Ministries of Finance and Agriculture and Al- Gazira state to study the problems and obstacles facing work in Al -Rahad Agricultureal Project.
During his visit to Al- Rahad Agriculture Project Friday, the VP has called for the indeginization of seeds , giving directives in the same time to the federal ministries of finance and agriculture to give top priority to agricultural development in Al-Rahad project in the budget of 2015, beside the farms roads, water and the health services.
He announced the state bear to 50% of the cost of the projects of the people's effort Projects in Al-hidieba Abu Al- Hassan in Um Al-Ghowrha locality , meanwhile, the Wali (governor) of Al -Gazira state, Dr. Mohamed Yousif Ali indicated that the VP visit and the acompaning delegation refelects the state's concern with the citizens.
On his part the director of Al -Rahad corporation , Engineer Abdalla Mohamed Ahmed has asserted that the project is witnessing great stability, referring to the Ministry of Finance support with 4 million SDG for the rehabilitation of the irrigation canals of the project.