Amman - Petra
The Amman Chamber of Commerce (ACC) issued more than 4,000 certificates of origin over the past two months for re-exports to Arab and foreign countries, the largest share of which was to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
According to statistics issued Tuesday, the number of certificates issued by the ACC during the past two months of this year stood at 4,417 compared to 5,452 in the same period of last year.
The number of certificates of origin for re-exports to the UAE stood at 726, while Iraq was at 555 and Syria at 7. The value of commodities re-exported with a certificate of origin from the Chamber reached JD209 million compared to JD237 million in the same period of last year.
Iraq ranked first in terms of the value of the Chamber's exports with JD99 million followed by the UAE with JD30 million and Syria with JD16 million.