Algerian joint venture for electronic systems

Deputy Minister for National Defence, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army (ANP), Lieutenant General Ahmed Gaid Salah, inaugurated Sunday in Sidi Bel-Abbès (440 km west of Algiers) the Algerian joint venture for manufacture of electronic systems (SCAFSE).
SCAFSE, which is an Algerian joint venture with a distributed capital up to 51% for the Algerian side and 49% for the foreign partner party (German company), is meant to meet the needs of the ANP in terms of electronic systems.
The opening ceremony was marked by a presentation session of the missions and activities of this new company, specialized in border surveillance radars and tactical radios.
SCAFSE's managers said the production covers three main areas, namely "terrestrial monitoring and detection" (radars), "surveillance systems and sensors" (optoelectronic systems) and "radio communication means."
The Deputy Minister for National Defence highlighted the strategic nature of the SCAFSE while emphasizing the importance of training for Algerian skills on "production chain and conception."
The Chief of Staff of the ANP also visited various production workshops where he attended demonstrations illustrating the performance of the equipment.