December 21 - January 18

July 31, 2014
Getting to know what motivates a loved one will strengthen your relationship. Instead of trying to impose your values onto another person, take stock of their priorities. Understanding their likes and dislikes will help you forge a comfortable union. When it comes to money, you may have different views. You may see it as a fluid source of energy that ebbs and flows, while your partner treats it as a finite resource. Learning how to reconcile these attitudes may be your greatest challenge.
Weekly Horoscopes
An authority figure is about to leave your midst. This will cause you to breathe a sigh of relief. At long last, you'll be recognised for your contributions. Don't be surprised if you're offered a promotion. You might even be asked to take over where they left off. It will be a relief to accept a job that challenges you intellectually and fuels your imagination. Embarking on a health regimen is strongly advised. You have to be in good shape to handle your new responsibilities.
A close friend or partner wants more of your time. You are struggling to keep them happy. Between work, family and other commitments you don’t have any time left over for yourself let alone anyone else. Romance in your life is conspicuous by its absence. Hard work will bring its just rewards but it is not without sacrifice. Currently, you’re missing out on having fun with your friends and partner in order to keep on top of other responsibilities.
July 2014 Horoscope
You could get to the bottom of a nagging health problem in early July. Don't insist on getting your way on the 4th; it may be better to let your best friend or lover to take the lead. An authority figure will ask you to spend more time at work throughout the first half of the month, which will impact upon your private life. The Full Moon on the 12th will prompt you to defy authority. If you don't draw a personal boundary, an authority figure will continue to take advantage of you. Fortunately, you'll have a little extra money with which to play after the 16th. You may decide to quit your job and use a windfall to rest, rejuvenate and recuperate from the working world. Don't defend your choices to an indignant relative or neighbour. Your life is none of their business. Buy a lottery or raffle ticket on the 26th.