December 21 - January 18

January 28, 2017
A moneymaking opportunity is on the way. Being able to break into a rapidly growing industry will be very profitable. You're not much of a risk taker, but you can recognise a promising investment when you see it. Make a small contribution in the early stages. You can add more money as its success snowballs. If you've been longing for a more lucrative job, explore work in the research and development field. Your methodical approach to work will be just what a prospective employer wants.
Weekly Horoscopes
It may not be possible to earn your family's approval, so don't even try. Obey your conscience and do what you know is best for you. If anyone disagrees or complains, don't get hot under the collar. You have a right to do as you please, so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. The sooner you stop worrying about what others might think, the happier you will be. An old friendship could easily turn to romance. You share many of the same values, which is a firm foundation for lasting love.
A close relationship needs more attention than normal. Conflicting views make you uneasy. Don't keep your feelings to yourself. Talk them over with your partner. Compromise with loving ties. You will come to an agreement that keeps everyone happy. Give and take is necessary. Responsibilities are heavy but you should still make time in your life for those you love. If there's work to be done, leave it for another time and concentrate instead on moving your relationships forward.
January 2017 Horoscope
The opening days of the month will be pleasantly pleasing and relaxing allowing you to talk with upbeat people who bring out the best in you. If you're asked to join a discussion group or book club, you should accept. This organisation will be a continual source of intellectual stimulation and emotional fulfilment. On the 12th, the Full Moon will put strain on a close relationship. You'll have to strike a better balance between your personal and professional lives to keep this romance alive. Stop erring on the side of your career all the time. The New Moon on the 28th will attract an exciting moneymaking opportunity that allows you to work from home. This arrangement is ideal. Spending more time with your family will deepen your love and appreciation for it. You'll also put less emphasis on professional matters. There is more to life than getting ahead. Relationships are more precious than gold.