December 21 - January 18

December 31, 2016
All eyes will be on you at a New Year's party. Make sure to look your best. Splash out on an extremely attractive outfit that makes you feel like a million. You'll draw admirers like a flower draws bees. If you see someone who can grant you a wish, focus all your attention on this would be benefactor. You have the power to get financial backing from this individual. Just turn on the charm and make a persuasive pitch. By the time 2017 is here, your dream will come true.
Weekly Horoscopes
Everyone will be surprised by the contribution you make to the season of goodwill. You aim to make people happy, but the one person you really want to please is yourself. Put cash and career concerns aside for a wee while and see what the really important things in your life are. The turn of the year can bring a change of life direction for you. Friends and family all have ideas and suggestions for you, but only you know what's best for you.
You're in a position to make some definite long-term commitments. You've worked hard to reach this point. Arrange to get together for a special purpose and plans made as the year ends could lead to some big changes. If you've been hoping for the support of friends or your partner to make a special dream come true, their encouragement will cultivate your creativity and renew your faith in yourself.
December 2016 Horoscope
Be careful about sending sensitive emails in the early days of December. Double check the address field before hitting 'send.' The last thing you want is for confidential information to get into the wrong hands. Moneymaking opportunities will abound during the first half of the month. This would be a great time to land a lucrative job, raise your prices or demand a pay rise. The Full Moon on the 14th will mark an exciting turning point in an intimate relationship. You'll be able to hand off some responsibilities to a loving partner. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a library, bookshop or classroom. Don't make promises you cannot keep to your employer during the second half of December. Family responsibilities will keep you close to home. You might have to assume a reduced workload. The New Moon on the 29th could prompt you to change your look. Adopting a more fashionable appearance will be empowering.