October 23 - November 21

January 28, 2017
If you've been looking for a place to live, this is an ideal time to launch a search. You'll find a beautiful, innovative, maybe even quirky property that is completely unlike the sort of mass produced houses and flats that you loathe. Feel free to wheel and deal. You can negotiate a terrific price; you've never been afraid to drive a hard bargain. It may be necessary to do some upgrades before you move in. You love historical charm, but don't want the hassle of living without mod cons.
Weekly Horoscopes
It may be difficult to find the role you want, but stay calm. Instead of relying on personal connections to open doors for you, you could create opportunities through your own efforts. Project confidence and enthusiasm during. Your magnetic personality should quell any doubts about your lack of experience. Having a steady source of income will allow you to finance some big home repairs. If you are not a practical person hire a professional with good references. Attend a family reunion.
Something you accomplish with friends or neighbours will bring a new sense of belonging. You feel a strong sense of gratitude for your friendships. You may not have expected the week to be such a sociable one. Life at home takes on a more positive tone too as you notice a new sense of commitment in close relationships. Are you single? You might learn something new about someone you have strong feelings for but can you believe the gossip?
January 2017 Horoscope
Love, adventure and leisure will characterise the opening days of 2017 for you. This is a wonderful time to go on a romantic trip with your amour, post a dating profile or launch a creative project. Work projects are destined to be revised during this period, due to Mercury retrograde, so don't pour too much energy into this area until the middle of January. On the 12th, the Full Moon will expose some gaps in your knowledge. Don't hesitate to ask for help and additional training. Nobody will look down on you for wanting to further your education. The New Moon on the 28th could allow you to work from home a few days each week. Avoiding a long commute and office politics will make you much more productive. If you've been thinking of relocating, check out an up and coming neighbourhood. You could find a great piece of property that dramatically increases in value.