October 23 - November 21

June 19, 2016
Money isn't coming in as quickly as you'd like. Rather than focus on your lack of resources, count your blessings. This will make you feel more confident about your financial future, allowing you to attract lucrative job offers. A friend who promised you a position at their company will not be able to deliver. This is a blessing in disguise. Continue to spread the word of your need for employment. In the meantime, say a prayer of gratitude for the small graces you enjoy each day.
Weekly Horoscopes
Your financial situation could take a turn for the better soon. Don't be surprised if you're given a raise or offered a lucrative job. You should buy yourself a beautiful gift to celebrate this occasion. Think about upgrading your phone, computer or entertainment centre. Before accepting a position, have the terms put in writing. That way, there won't be any confusion about your role or its compensation. Protect your interests. If you don't, nobody else will. Be friendly but firm.
You've always been a spiritual person and this week you will find it easy to reach out to people who are empathic. Hanging around with like-minded souls will also make you feel more creative. Don't be surprised if you develop romantic feelings for someone who is both sensitive and passionate. Although you had no plans to make any major changes in life or relationships, you could bump into an opportunity which is too exciting to dismiss. Someone will trust you with some highly confidential information.
June 2016 Horoscope
Money will be tight at the beginning of June. This isn't a good time to splash out on luxuries. Be as resourceful as possible with your income and make resources stretch as far as possible. A demanding relative or romantic partner will try to make you feel guilty about these reduced circumstances. Don't take the bait. You may be tempted to make an expensive purchase on the 5th, due to a challenging New Moon. Instead of shopping, you will be better off spending quality time with a supportive friend or relative. The Full Moon on the 20th can improve your financial situation, but only if you're willing to accept an unorthodox job offer. Working unusual hours can give you a chance to pay some bills and put some money into savings. You'll make a very good impression on job interviews. If you play your cards right, you could have your choice of several employment offers.