Caabu panel discussion. European Muslims: facing up to alienation and discrimination in the wake of terror
Nabila Ramdani

Caabu would like to invite you to a panel discussion: European Muslims: facing up to alienation and discrimination in the wake of terror. Journalist Nabila Ramdani and Raffaello Pantucci of RUSI have been confirmed as speakers.

The event will address the issues faced by Muslims in Europe, particulary in the wake of terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels. It will address issues of radicalisation, particularly in the context of these attacks, and how Europe is dealing with issues faced by Muslim communities, terrorism, radicalisation, and issues of cohesion, before and after such attacks. 

When: Tuesday 14 June, 18:30 - 20:00.

Where: Grimond Room, Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0AA