Nejad: Greedy capitalist system cause of environmental problems

Changing the greedy and unjust capitalist system governing the world can solve human problems in various fields including environment, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday. He made the remark in 21st International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). “Increasing consumerism and it subsequent destruction of environment will stop if people change their capitalist life style,” the President added. He noted that the volume of polluting material in the environment is increasing and the rate of environmental protection programs is less than one percent of that of destructive actions. The greedy and unjust way of thinking in capitalism has not only destroyed relations among people but has also damaged the normal relationship between man and nature, Ahamdinejad stated. He underlined that Iran is ready for the exchange of experience with other countries in field of environment protection. “Man\'s unlimited interference in nature, his large-scale use of fossil fuel and environment polluting material have caused current disorders, famine and serious water crisis in some parts of the world,” the Iranian President asserted. The main topic of the 21st ICID Congress is \'Water productivity towards food security”. The congress being held from Octover 15-23 in Tehran aims to raise awareness of the public and provide opportunity for exchange of expertise and information on topics related to environment protection.