President of the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD) Sihem Ben Sedrine went to Tataouine on Friday

President of the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD) Sihem Ben Sedrine went to Tataouine on Friday with a delegation composed of the chairman of the Commission for Research and Investigations, the chairman of the Commission of Repair and Rehabilitation and a forensic pathologist to examine the assaults committed during the French occupation on the region's resistants.


"The remains of these freedom fighters who are not known by the majority of Tunisians are still scattered in the mountains," she said.


In a statement to TAP, Ben Sedrine said the IVD Commission will try to shed light on the battles of 1955 and 1956 during which France committed "unjustified abuses". It pledged to rehabilitate the resistant fighters and to dedicate a commemorative plaque to them, she said.


She also considered that the region of Tataouine was the victim of exclusion and marginalisation by the public authorities after independence.


Testimonies from the region will be provided at a hearing on March 24, which will be devoted to events related to independence, she added.

source: TAP