Yemen's President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi

Yemen's President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi today said the rebel Houthi militia and allied forces loyal to now-ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh continue to reject what he described as "clear determinants" of a roadmap to a peaceful settlement in Yemen.

State Yemen news agency quoted Hadi as saying the government's commitment to peace efforts was faced only by "procrastination and stalling (on peace talks) by the rebels" who perpetrated a coup d'etat.

Hadi was speaking during a meeting with U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission in Yemen Richard H. Riley and British Charge d'Affaires in Yemen Andrew Hunter.

Hadi further stressed that the humanitarian situation is worsening in several besieged Yemeni cities at the hands of rebel Houthi-Saleh militia which continue to block the entry of food and medicine to civilians.

Source :WAM