Court’s Chairperson Abdel Aziz Al Fatahawy

Casablanca’s Court of Appeal witnessed a large number of visitors from the Moroccan officials and citizens in the framework of the so-called Open Doors demonstration organized under the slogan “Judiciary in citizen’s service.
A number of judicial officials delivered speeches before the visitors to underline the role performed by the Moroccan judiciary during the recent years and to serve the Moroccan community as whole.
The Court’s Chairperson Abdel Aziz Al Fatahawy stressed that the major objective of such event is to be closer to the Moroccan citizen. He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that it was difficult role to deliver the judicial services to the citizen, while the matter became easier thanks to the increasing use of electronic services.
He stressed that the judicial authority gives the priority to the interests of the Moroccan citizen and works to underline the services it should perform to him. He added that a number of citizens do not realize the technical ways adopted by the court to resolve the citizens’ problems.
He added that the Court of Appeal opened a new office to provide the judicial assistance to the citizens, saying that they turned to use the experience of a number of former judges and lawyers. He praised the opportunity of the event to brief the citizens on the services the judicial authority provides to the citizens