Chairman of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee Hakem Al Zameli stressed the

Chairman of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee Hakem Al Zameli stressed the need for fighting against any foreign power attempting to interfere militarily in the country during the coming period, whether Arab, Islamic or western power. He expressed his refusal to the presence of the American ground troops in the country to liberate the cities of Qaem, Rawa and Ana, describing such interference as a clear violation against the Iraqi sovereignty.


He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, “The US forces are trying in any way to participate in the ground operations, where previously tried to participate, in the battles of the liberation of Nineveh to obtain the legal cover, for their participation today, and are directed to participate in the battles of the liberation of Ana and Rawa and Qaim, in Anbar province.”


He stressed that the Iraqi troops managed to liberate thousands of kilometers, while the American role was to provide air coverage and logistical support. He added, “There are military bases in Al-Bakr, Balad, Ayn al-Assad, Habbaniyah and Qayara north, central and western Iraq.” He signaled that a number of American forces have been transferred to Anbar and Nineveh during the past month.


He added, “We monitor what is happening in the country. If they insisted on imposing their military existence in Iraq, we would turn to use our channels to pressure the Iraqi government not to allow the presence of American troops in the Iraqi territories during the coming period.”


He blamed the decision taken by U.S President Donald Trump to increase the American troops in the military bases, saying that such a decision is considered re-occupation of the Iraqi troops. He stressed that the Iraqi government and parliament will not allow any role for the American ground troops in the battles to liberate Anbar.


He added, “We contacted with Prime Minister Haider Abadi and leadership of Iraqi joint forces and they stressed their refusal to any role for the American troops in the battles to liberate the Iraqi territories during the coming period.” He stressed that his committee intend to take a decision preventing the participation of any American troops in the military operations in the Iraqi province of Anbar.


He added, “Iraq did not ask any country to send ground troops, while participation from the International Coalition was limited to air, logistics and training support. Any attempt to participate in the ground operations is unacceptable and we will not allow it.”

Source: Timesofoman