Egyptian parliamentarian Osama Aboul Magd

Egyptian parliamentarian Osama Aboul Magd warned that the Egyptian citizen does not tolerate any addition increase in the prices of basic commodities during the current period, saying that any decision to increase the prices will leave negative repercussions. He also expressed any initiatives aiming to achieve reconciliation between the Egyptian government and  Muslim Brotherhood during the current period, calling the parliamentarians to serve the residents of their constituencies.
He stressed, during an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the proposals to achieve reconciliation with Muslim Brotherhood are strongly rejected by the Egyptian people, blaming the group for working to destabilize the country during the current critical period. He said that the Egyptian people strongly refuse any initiative to achieve rapprochement between Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian government.
He rebuked the calls for reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, blaming the group for the extremism witnessed not only in Egypt but also in the world as whole. He said, “Extremism is not the terrorist attacks that target military and security forces but the ideas promoted by the group since its establishment.”
He praised the Egyptian people for their increasing sacrifices to adapt with the economic challenges they face in their daily life, saying that he feels the suffering of the citizens. He stressed that he receives dozens of complaints from citizens on daily basis over the difficult economic conditions they face, saying that he is keen to meet with the people in the streets.
Regarding the reason for the delay in the last session of the parliament two weeks ago, he explained that it was in favor of workers, especially after the deletion of Article 5 in the draft law, which gives the right to workers in the public business sector to pay this allowance.
On the deadline for the payment of the premium, he called the government not to be absent from the discussion meeting to speed the approval of the allowance and paying it for workers in the fastest time in last July.
He added that the relations between Egypt and Saudi Arabia have their different nature if compared to the Egyptian relations with Qatar or Turkey, saying that the strength of Egyptian-Saudi relation derives from the position that the two countries enjoy on both regional and international level.
He added that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are considered the cornerstone to achieve security and stability in the Middle East and to confront the challenges and conspiracies facing the countries of the region. He added, "The two countries adopt similar vision towards the most of regional issues. Even if they have differences in a specific issue, the relations will remain strong between the two countries."