Egyptian parliamentarian Diaa Al Din Dawood

Egyptian parliamentarian Diaa Al Din Dawood praised the role performed by the parliamentary opposition in the Egyptian parliament despite their limited number, saying that they prepare currently for a strong questioning of Egypt’s Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar for the recent terrorist attacks that targeted the Egyptian people during the recent period.
He stressed that the parliamentary opposition managed to achieve notable success although most of them do not have enough experience in the parliamentary work. He stressed that they managed to achieve notable success regarding their supervisory and legislative work.
He added that the parliamentary opposition do not oppose the government for just opposition, while to achieve notable progress in the lives of the Egyptian people. He stressed that they work seriously to deliver the messages of the Egyptians in the street to the parliament, underlining their role to highlight the Egyptians’ protest against the Value Added Law.
He expressed also his refusal to the Judicial Authority Law, saying that it came to provoke the judicial authorities in Egypt. He added that the parliamentary opposition took strict position from the law, saying that they withdrew from the session during the voting process to express their protest against the controversial law.
In the same context, he revealed details of the new investment law currently discussed by his committee, saying that it is a huge law composed of 124 articles committing the investors take a large number of measures that are supposed to be taken by the government.
He added that the investors need simple laws supporting them for investing in the country during the current critical period, stressing the need for taking serious measures to push the investors to increase their investments in the country. He added that the committee reviewed a number of articles and demanded to cancel them, including the articles that allow investors from different citizenships to take the lands of the state for investing objectives.
The Egyptian parliamentarian criticized the recent measures taken by the government on the economic side, including the decision to liberate the currency’s rate of exchange. He blamed these decisions for the increasing prices of commodities and contraction of the citizen’s purchasing power.