NASA launches new sharing portal
NASA technology-sharing portal announced

NASA technology-sharing portal announced Washington - UPI NASA says it has launched an Internet portal to accelerate technology transfer from the space agency to U.S. businesses, industry and the public. The Technology Transfer Portal provides a Web-based one-stop front door to the agency\'s unique intellectual property assets available for technology transfer and infusion into America\'s new technology and innovation-driven economy, the space agency reported Thursday. Licenses, patents and intellectual property agreements between NASA and private partners often result in new innovations, products and businesses, the agency said. \"One of NASA\'s highest priority goals is to streamline its technology transfer procedures, support additional government-industry collaboration and encourage the commercialization of novel technologies flowing from our federal laboratories,\" NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said at the agency\'s headquarters in Washington. The portal simplifies and speeds access to the agency\'s intellectual property portfolio, much of which is available for licensing, and features a searchable, categorized database of NASA\'s patents. \"A priority of NASA is to get federally funded new technologies into the commercial marketplace,\" NASA Chief Technologist Mason Peck said. \"We\'re hopeful that entrepreneurs, businesses of all sizes and anyone looking for innovative solutions to technology problems will explore NASA\'s Technology Transfer Portal to find opportunities to transfer NASA technologies into innovative solutions for the nation.\" NASA\'s Technology Transfer Portal is at