Egyptian actor Mohamed Sobhy

Egyptian actor Mohamed Sobhy Cairo - Khaled Tharwat Egyptian actor Mohamed Sobhy condemned on Wednesday the recent clashes between demonstrators and those affiliated with the ruling regime. Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood attempted to break up a sit-in organised on Tuesday calling for the dismissal of the Minister of Culture Alaa Abdel Aziz. Sobhy asserted that ministry workers, intellectuals and those in the arts have the right to protest against Abdel Aziz’s decisions, accusing him of attempting to ‘Islamise’ the ministry. The actor criticised the minister for insulting Egypt’s cultured people during an interview broadcast on the Muslim Brotherhood’s satellite channel Egypt 25. He added that the Abdel Aziz does not even have the ability to hold a book discussion with Egyptian intellectuals. Sobhy asked: “How could we appointment this minister to a position preceded by the likes of Tharwat Okasha, Abdel Hamid Radwan, and Youssef el-Sebai?”