Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 An official source at Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that Iranian authorities have- from the start- persistently and consistently stalled the process of investigating the attack on Saudi embassy and consulate in Tehran and Mashhad.

Saudi Press Agency (SPA) quoted the source as saying Iranian authorities have received the notification by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia of its intention to send a Saudi team into Iran from 25 to 29 December 2016 to work alongside the Iranian authorities to inspect the two Saudi facilities and provide the team with the results thereof.

Four months after the set dates, Iranian authorities requested setting new arrival dates for the Saudi team. The Saudi side has complied with their request and set 3 July 2017 as arrival date, which was approved and accepted by Iranian authorities. However, Iranian authorities did not inform the Saudi side of approval and send formal clearance for the airplane carrying the Saudi team until 1 August 2017 and after the issuance of statements by Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Wam