The Emirates Human Rights Association

 The Emirates Human Rights Association, EHRA, has expressed its condemnation of the sudden withdrawal of citizenship from Sheikh Talib bin Mohammed bin Lahoum bin Shraim, along with 54 other members of his family and the tribe of Al-Morah, including a number of children and 18 women.

The Emirates Human Rights Association, in a statement, said, "It is a step that violates all their legal rights, the principles of human rights and exposes them to displacement."

Mohammed Salem Al Ka'abi, Chairman of EHRA, said, "This is an unprecedented international step," adding, "These Qatari citizens have not been subjected to any trials, but their citizenship has been suddenly withdrawn. They have become stateless and are subject to full deprivation of citizenship rights from health care, housing, education, work, freedom of movement and others."

Al Ka'abi expressed regret for this indiscriminate decision, which included children and women, stressing that nationality is an inherent human right. He called on all human rights organisations to play their role and monitor their situation and support them.

Source: Wam