Dr. Hanan Ashrawi

PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan- Ashrawi in a press release condemned Israel’s expansion of its illegal settlement enterprise in occupied East Jerusalem she said, “We strongly condemn Israel’s plans to approve the construction of 176 units in the illegal settlement of Nof Zion which is located inside the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal Al Mukaber in occupied East Jerusalem.

By deliberately expanding its illegal settlement enterprise in and around Jerusalem, Israel is making a mockery of the international community and the global justice system.

Without a doubt, Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem is illegal and in direct breach of international law, signed agreements and terms of reference.  This announcement is part of the Israeli government’s plans to annex all of Jerusalem, pursue its ethnic cleansing of the city and to impose a de facto one-state solution.  Without Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, there will be no Palestinian state, and without a Palestinian state, there will be no peace or stability in the region.”

She added, “We call on members of the international community, including the United States, the European Union and the United Nations, to translate their statements and condemnations into serious and concrete acts and to hold Israel accountable for its unlawful unilateralism.  If they are serious about ending the military occupation and achieving an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, governments worldwide must exhibit respect for the law and recognition of equal rights for all peoples, in particular the Palestinian right to self-determination and freedom.”

Source: PNN