Bahrain condemns suicide bombings in Thailand
Bahrain condemns suicide bombings in Thailand

Bahrain strongly condemned the recent spate of explosions which hit Thailand, leaving two people dead, and many other civilians injured. 

According to Bahrain News Agency (BNA), the Foreign Ministry extended sincerest condolences to the victims’ bereaved families and relatives, wishing the wounded quick recovery. 

In a statement on Friday, the ministry denounced the heinous criminal acts which, it said, contravene all human, ethical and religious values. 

It reiterated Bahrain’s firm stance in support of the Kingdom of Thailand, backing its efforts to maintain national security and stability, ensure the safety of citizens and residents and protect establishments and facilities. 

It reaffirmed Bahrain’s rejection of all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism, stressing the necessity of mobilizing regional and international efforts to bolster world security and peace, root out the scourge of terrorism and dry up terror financing.

Source: MENA