Al-Hariri condemns the flagrant attack on Saudi embassy in Tehran
Former premier Saad al-Hariri

Saad Al-Hariri, Lebanon's former premier today denounced the blatant deliberate attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran and expressed sorrow that some circles in Lebanon go hostile against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its leadership following the implementation of judicial rulings on 47 terrorists.

In a statement, he said Hezbollah of Lebanon and the Iranian regime are issuing rhetorical statements denouncing the use and practices of violence, tyranny, terror, killing and interference in other's internal affairs, while they are the ones who do exercise such violations of diplomatic norms and agreements.

He considered Hezbollah as acting as if it was responsible of all the Shiite sect in the world while Iran has for a long time stood as the political and spiritual leader of Shiite's, ignoring the national sovereign borders of neighboring, close and far countries and, thus, justifying for itself illogical rights of interfering in the affairs of others and objecting the decisions of other leaders.

He expressed confidence that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to the limits of Islamic and Arab interests and that the decisions it was taking would never contradict with such interests at all.

He criticized Iran's support for the regime in Syria which systematically kill or force its people to leave the country.

He called on Iran to think twice before proceeding with its revolution exportation methodology to neighboring countries.

Source: MENA