Investing in Egypt is my priority
Egyptian Investment Minister Osama Saleh

Egyptian Investment Minister Osama Saleh Cairo – Akram Ali Egyptian Investment Minister Osama Saleh has declared that international financial aid will help solve issues brought by the January 25 Revolution. Osama Saleh said in an interview with Arabstoday: \"President Morsi\'s frequent trips abroad have brought attention on the potential investment in Egypt. The government has agreed on several projects with Qatar and China. Egypt has signed an $18 billion deal with the Qataris. China has invested £1.5 billion in the Suez Golf.\" Saleh explained the government\'s new policies: “We are working on three major axis. The first one is to develop the governorates in the country; there are 128 projects ready to be implemented in those governorates. The second point we\'re working on is a partnership between the private sector and the finance ministry. And last, but certainly not least, we are working on developing foreign investments in the Suez Canal. We are also planning the establishment of the largest industrial city in Egypt.” Promoting investments in Egypt has become a priority for the government, according to Saleh.. \"We are trying to attract as much investment as possible to provide job opportunities for the Egyptians. \" As for the fears of the foreign investor, Saleh stressed that there is a huge turnout with the international companies for investments in Egypt. Samsung has signed a deal with Egypt to implement a factory in the country worth 1.4 EGP. Italy has also invested in Egypt with a contract on steel production worth 1.3 billion EGP. A \'Silicon Valley\' is to be established in Ismailia. Logistic means will be improved with news ports and a tunnel connecting the valley to Sinai. He concluded with investments in North Egypt: \"We are planning to develop the road network by the Red Sea, which would link six governates to the sea.\"