Queen Rania at King Hussein Club
Queen Rania al-Abdullah (C)

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah attended today a lunch at the King Hussein Club in Amman held in recognition of sponsors and supporters of Al Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans.
During the lunch, which was also attended by members of Al Aman Fund Board and Board of Trustees, Her Majesty thanked all attendees for their support and said that the Fund is not an initiative or a project that can succeed on its own, as its success relies heavily on the support of the community and the help of all partners.
The Queen added that when His Late Majesty King Hussein visited an orphanage, he relayed the message that orphans are everyone’s responsibility. That visit left a huge impression on me which led me to establish Al Aman Fund.
Queen Rania also talked about the day she started Al Aman initiative in 2003 and how she felt the children’s happiness. Now after 11 years, these children have become established young adults, and without the help of the Fund’s sponsors, that wouldn’t have been possible.
Her Majesty stressed that the Fund means so much to her as it represents the closeness and collaboration between all Jordanians, because without the support of all stakeholders, the Fund wouldn’t have been able to succeed.
The queen then addressed supporters and said that parents are usually the ones taking care of their children; however, you took it on yourselves to support these orphans and help them build a better and brighter future.
She also thanked Al Aman Fund beneficiaries for their ambition and enthusiasm, and for taking responsibility of their future. She added that although Al Aman Fund provides orphans with opportunities, they have to have the strength and will to change the courses of their lives. She also encouraged them to become role models for other orphans.
Al Aman Fund Acting Director, Ibrahim Al Ahmad, said that since 2008 the Fund has reached more beneficiaries from different parts of the Kingdom, including those living in different local orphanages. He added that the Fund has also offered beneficiaries various training workshops to improve their skillsets and enable them to compete with their peers in the job market.
He noted that, starting from next year, the Fund will also offer distinguished students post-graduate study programs so they can complete their higher education.
Her Majesty and attendees also watched a video about the Fund’s goals and achievements, highlighting a number of orphans’ success stories.
So far, the total number of orphans who have benefited from Al Aman Fund’s education scheme has reached 2,560, out of which 580 are from poverty pockets while 600 are from different orphanages. 1,461 orphans have graduated from Al Aman Fund’s different educational schemes while 730 orphans are currently enrolled in different universities and vocational centers.
Al Aman Fund covers fees for students studying in Jordan whether in universities, community colleges or vocational training centers. It also covers fees for different training courses including IT, English language and other courses that could improve orphans’ skills so they succeed in the job market. The fund also covers the cost of living, stationaries and transportation through a monthly allowance that is given to benefiting orphans.
The Fund also helps orphans, who finished high school, select a university major or an appropriate vocational training course that best fits their skills and abilities and meets the requirements of the job market. It also gives orphans guidance on how to fill out their university applications and supports them so they overcome the challenges they might face. The Fund continues to support beneficiaries after graduation and helps them find a job that suits their skills.
Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans is an independent NGO founded by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah in 2006 and is registered under the Ministry of Social Development to support the neediest of orphaned youth in Jordan. Al-Aman Fund targets two different types of orphaned youth:
· Boarding orphans who have resided in orphan care centers for part of, or all their childhood,
· Non-boarding orphans living in poverty with a guardian or an immediate relative and have been supported by Orphan Support Organizations.
Source: Perta