Ahed Tamimi

The European Union voiced concern Friday over the Israeli detention of two Palestinian minors, one of whom who was arrested after a video of her confronting Israeli soldiers went viral.

The Jerusalem and Ramallah EU missions expressed "deep concern regarding the circumstances of the recent arrests of two Palestinian minors, Ahed Tamimi and Fawzi Muhammad al-Juneidi", a statement read.

Ahed Tamimi, 16, was on charged on January 1 with 12 counts including assault for slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers near her home in the occupied West Bank.

Hailed as a hero by Palestinians who see her as bravely standing up to Israel in the December 15 incident caught on video, she could face a lengthy jail term if convicted.

She will face a military court on Monday which will determine whether she stays in detention until her trial begins.

Her mother and another relative who took part in the incident have also been charged.

The EU also expressed deep concern over "the fatal shooting by Israeli security forces of another Palestinian minor", Musab al-Tamimi, 17, who was killed on January 3 in a clash with the army in Deir Nizam village north of Ramallah.

"The European Union and EU Missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah recall the importance of respecting and protecting the rights of the child, including and in particular during arrest, detention and judicial procedures," the statement read.

"The EU calls on Israeli authorities to respond proportionately to protests, and open investigations following fatalities, in particular when involving a minor."